Friday, November 13, 2009

Scott Greenberg On Taking Risks

Welcome to On Taking Risks!

The first article I encountered through Googling:

taking risks 

The Sideroad at came up with an article by Scott Greenberg

I copied and pasted this information on Scott Greenberg from

Setting and Achieving Goals Consultant Scott Greenberg

Scott Greenberg
For over 10 years, Scott has been a motivational speaker and leadership consultant. A graduate of UCLA, Scott has devoted his life to studying personal growth, leadership, and group interaction. Scott's positive attitude impacts his audiences and shows them how to use laughter to overcome their fears and meet any challenge head-on.

Scott has given presentations for the United Nations and the California Department of Education. Today Scott is an established Hollywood screen writing consultant working within the movie industry.

Click on the link above to read "Taking Risks" by Scott Greenberg.

You can learn to take risks and become more comfortable in the risks you take.  Scott tells us why this is a good thing.

I'm taking a risk starting this blog.  What will people think?  What do you think?

You can practice taking a risk right now by clicking on the title of this post and visiting my 550 plus 50 blog where I am practicing taking risks by loaning money.